But evidence for recent volcanism on Mars is scarce.
This was, as the mountains that surrounded the facility bore eloquent testimony, a region surging with recent volcanism.
The landscape of the Vulkan Eifel is dominated by recent volcanism.
"I'd bet there's been recent volcanism here."
The activity of the volcano appears to have ceased in post-glacial time; there is no evidence of recent volcanism or hydrothermal activity.
It was his nine-person team that reported evidence of recent volcanism.
Large parts of southern and eastern Africa stand at over 1500m yet recent volcanism has been very localized.
A sequence of bright and dark lava flows appears in the image, the bright ones believed to be associated with the more recent volcanism.
To the northeast, they are delimited by more recent volcanism represented by Mount Kilimanjaro.
At first, it was thought that this was evidence of recent lunar volcanism.