They don't want to be "battered by the system," as a recent workshop given by survivors of domestic violence in New York was called.
One recent workshop included a mock job interview.
McMillan also recommends asking about recent workshops or conferences your fitness pro has attended to make sure they're staying current in the field.
When Stephen Hero, 28, stood up in a recent workshop, he delivered a practice homily closer to his own heart.
Sixteen of the 20 students in a recent workshop passed a citywide competency examination measuring 12th-grade-level reading comprehension.
He said this was the "overwhelming consensus" of physicists at a recent workshop on neutrinos.
The art lesson in a recent workshop was no ordinary one: the students were teachers.
Late in the play, Jonathan receives a "wait and see" response to his recent workshop.
One recent workshop, though, ended on a note decidedly short on diversity: with participants praying to Jesus.
For a recent workshop with fourth graders, the bags held terrier-shaped salt and pepper shakers.