According to Harold Marcuse, reception history is "the history of the meanings that have been imputed to historical events.
The reception history of Jane Austen follows a path from modest fame to wild popularity.
The reception history of Jane Austen shows how Austen's works, at first having modest fame, became wildly popular.
Also, Schindel is interested in reception history and the history of classical scholarship.
The reception history of John Milton and his works has been a mixture of positive and negative responses, with his greatest influence being found within his poetry.
Since its publication in 1976, The Woman Warrior has maintained a "vexed reception history that both attests to its popularity and questions it."
His main area of research is the reception history of the Bible.
Studies of this kind may be regarded a special kind of reception history (how Watson's paper was received).
These include the first scholarly editions of the composer's letters, the first full-scale reception history, and the critical edition of the seminal Kullervo symphony.
His allegorical exegesis was important for several Christian Church Fathers, but he has barely any reception history within Judaism.