All of them were honored Friday night at a reception sponsored by the Black Tennis & Sports Foundation.
Last night he was the beneficiary of a $500-a-person reception sponsored by House Speaker Thomas S. Foley and other members of the House leadership.
On November 3, 2005, Sánchez de Lozada was speaking at the reception sponsored by a non-profit group associated with Princeton University in downtown Princeton, New Jersey.
The Thailand and Uganda segments were shown at Trinity College at a reception sponsored by agencies that help people with AIDS.
"We're going to need Jesse," Mr. Dukakis told about 2,500 people gathered at a reception sponsored by Turner Broadcasting System.
The two-hour receptions, sponsored by Citbank and the Queens Chamber of Commerce, start at 5:30 P.M. and include a smorgasbord.
One reception, sponsored by Goldman, Sachs & Company at the Museum of Modern Art, was for major party donors, mostly lobbyists.
About 30 people were there for a reception sponsored by the New York State Black Republicans Council.
The show will be previewed tomorrow at a reception sponsored by Josie and Kenneth Natori, lingerie producers.
This evening Mr. Clinton is to attend receptions sponsored by the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce at a conference center.