In practice, the structured assessment of receptive and expressive language is often reported under Cognition (see below).
Decreased receptive language, reading, and learning skills are common side effects for children that suffer from a speech delay and do not receive adequate intervention.
Language and Communication - phonological processing, receptive language, expressive naming, verbal fluency and rhythmic oral motor sequences.
Note this element is a problem with receptive language, not expressive language, and is one reason why the problem is referred to as agrammatic aphasia.
In many children with SLI, understanding of language, or receptive language, is also impaired, though this may not be obvious unless the child is given a formal assessment.
In addition, receptive language is often critically impaired, however in some patients, impairment in expressive language is the most profound.
Today, Italian is one of the most receptive languages for anglicisms.
Dogs and horses are generally not encouraged to communicate expressively, but are encouraged to develop receptive language (understanding).
Language impairments create similar difficulties in communicating with others, but may also include difficulties in understanding what others are trying to say (receptive language).
The children were tested in five developmental categories: problem behavior, social competence, expressive language, receptive language and school readiness.