This receptor activates adenylate cyclase, which increases levels of cAMP.
It may be that different receptors activate attraction or repulsion in response to a single cue.
These receptors activate a G protein ligand binding.
Toll-like receptors bind and become activated by different ligands, which, in turn, are located on different types of organisms or structures.
The soles of the feet should be in contact with the ground because receptors in the feet directly activate the postural muscles throughout the torso.
These receptors activate adenylyl cyclase and the phosphatidyl-inositol-calcium pathway.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize specific components of microbial invaders and activate an immune response to these pathogens.
This receptor is expressed in various lymphoid tissues and activates B and T lymphocytes.
The receptor can now either activate another G protein or switch back to its inactive state.
The muscarine cholinergic receptor activates a G protein when bound to extracellular ACh.