The previous studies had detected a link between novelty-seeking behavior and the 7-repeat version of the receptor gene.
A single type of neuron can potentially express at least 4 different receptor genes.
The researchers said they identified the receptor gene in rats, defined its chemical makeup and made functioning copies of it.
"What's been shown here is an association between an early onset diabetes and a certain type of mutation in this receptor gene," he said.
The inactive one will probably become more common in the population, until it has driven the active version of the olfactory receptor gene into extinction.
First the receptor gene switches on inside three cells on the creature's budding torso.
To answer this question, I think we need to look beyond the olfactory receptor genes and consider olfaction in its full behavioral context.
The artificial introns all inserted themselves in the intended position in the receptor gene, the scientists reported.
A recent liver biopsy showed that the introduced receptor gene was operating vigorously in the woman's body.
The worms given longer life by their inactivated receptor genes "still age and die," she said.