These increases will be difficult to pass along to our customers in a recessionary climate, which has created low confidence and a slower rate of retail buying.
"The recessionary climate experienced so far in 1991 has greatly reduced demand and depressed prices in domestic steel markets," he said.
But it also counts as a reality check in a recessionary economic climate.
The Met board, in turn, is said to have fretted about costs in a recessionary economic climate.
"The recessionary climate greatly reduced demand and depressed prices in domestic steel markets," Mr. Corry said.
This decline has been accelerated by the current recessionary economic climate and the resulting falling sales turnover figures.
However it, like others, is suffering in the current recessionary climate.
This was a challenging assignment in the recessionary climate of 1974-1976.
The company cited low demand by school districts and contractors during the recessionary economic climate in the United States.
Don't expect him to revive that unfortunate slogan - it doesn't suit a recessionary climate.