In this recessionary economy, most shopping center developers are gun shy.
In a statement, Insilco blamed its troubles on "an increasingly difficult business environment and recessionary economy."
The combination of a recessionary economy and bioterrorism has caused mail volume to plummet.
Even in a recessionary economy, jury awards in personal injury cases continue to climb.
Political instability could make it more difficult for a government to enact new measures to stimulate the recessionary economy.
We've been operating in a recessionary economy, especially here in the Northeast.
And, in a recessionary economy, where there is little chance that the economics of media businesses will improve, the challenge is even greater.
In a recessionary economy, a platinum phone provides an easy target of ridicule.
Few in Japan have faced the challenge of looking for a job in a recessionary economy.
But with the stakes high in this recessionary economy, people seem willing to take their chances.