Many recipients of Christmas gifts will not find their presents wrapped in paper and ribbons under the tree this morning.
The Governor thinks recipients can find community service work if they want to eat.
Then came the question of where to put the contents and how to ensure that the intended recipients would find them.
"This money could be invaluable to helping many recipients find and retain jobs."
State officials think many potential recipients simply got the message that times have changed, and found jobs on their own.
Poorer recipients may find previously affordable drugs moving out of reach.
They say there is little scientific evidence to show that lower grants will prompt recipients to find jobs, especially during a recession.
To encourage recipients to find jobs, the state would enhance its child-care benefits and health insurance coverage.
States could end all benefits if recipients still had not found real jobs after three years on the work program.
But the program does relatively little to help recipients train for and find permanent jobs.