The poorest recipients could actually suffer from the windfall by losing their benefits under Medicaid, food-stamp and other programs.
Their hope is that the AbioCor will not lead to strokes, which the recipients of the Jarvik-7 suffered.
Others take the form of sympathy notes, assuming the recipients lost parents in the attack or suffered similarly devastating blows.
Both recipients suffered from end-stage heart disease and from kidney failure.
Most recipients suffer from well-defined physical or mental handicaps that are so severe that no one disputes their eligibility.
All the recipients of this mystical wounding suffered dreadfully.
And in those instances where callers instead decide to transmit the "Private" code, the recipients suffer no wrong.
He asked Buck to ask Donny how he might go about communicating widely without the recipients of his missives suffering for it.
But the Mayo study implies that most implant recipients will not suffer connective-tissue disease; at most a few percent might be affected.
But soon enough was discovered, that these recipients suffer by symptoms and signs of systemic inflammation.