There are 14 lounges throughout the world, and qualified passengers have full reciprocal privileges at lounges operated by selected partners.
In October, the two gave members of their airport clubs reciprocal privileges, another benefit typical of alliances.
The company, which makes reciprocal privileges among its clubs a big selling point, lets too many outsiders use the clubs in popular resort areas, some unhappy members contend.
Discontent over golfers with reciprocal privileges using members' supposedly private fairways is cited in almost all the recent disputes.
Clubcorp reports that on average, only about 1 percent of the rounds played at its clubs are by golfers exercising reciprocal privileges.
By the 1970s, it offered reciprocal privileges, meaning a member of any ClubCorp club could attend other clubs.
There is no public moorage available at the Wigwam docks; reciprocal privileges are not available to members of any other Yacht Clubs.
Members also get reciprocal privileges at over a hundred other private clubs throughout the country.
Japanese writers have rarely assumed reciprocal privileges, hesitating to portray Western characters at all.
Adam Craig smoothly demanded reciprocal privileges.