This means identifying the dimensions of the unit cell and which image peak corresponds to which position in reciprocal space.
These components generally have twice the frequency (in reciprocal space) of their underlying complex amplitudes.
This is the plane that contains the cylinder axis in reciprocal space.
In reciprocal space the so-called Ewald sphere has its center in the sample.
The figure on the left shows a typical fiber pattern of polypropylene before mapping it into reciprocal space.
Brillouin zone, the primitive cell of a lattice in reciprocal space.
A Fourier transform takes us from "real space" to reciprocal space or vice versa.
This is because the propagator is the reciprocal of in k space.
The scattering rate gives the probability per unit time to scatter from a state k to any other state in the reciprocal space.
It is customary to rock the crystal slightly (by 0.5-2 ) to catch a broader region of reciprocal space.