He would have enriched the melodic line to make them apt as recital pieces.
This is a great recital piece for a more advance...
Composed in the bel canto style, it is a frequent recital piece, and has often been recorded.
At Juilliard, for example, violinists must play all recital pieces from memory except for contemporary works composed after 1939.
Mr. Valenti liked to mix his recital pieces with offhand commentary from the stage, and he was an engaging television personality.
(the 'Bell Song') has long been a favourite recital piece for coloratura sopranos.
Nowadays young flamenco guitarists are looking backward, transcribing solos by the past's great players and using them as formal recital pieces.
Sometimes there are duets or even recital pieces, also with accompaniment.
One arioso from it, Care selve, ombre beate, has achieved popularity as a recital piece.
It looked like a recital piece for an intermediate-level ballet class, with awkward choreography and unfortunate costumes that made its dancers look ungainly.