But when you begin hurling reckless accusations ... Q: Sorry, Counselor, would you like me to rephrase what I just asked him?
He is trying to prove that the Brawley advisers made reckless, malicious accusations and purposefully avoided learning the truth.
McCarthy began to smear reputations and secure dismissals through use of reckless accusations, flimsy evidence, and unidentified informants.
The onslaught of reckless accusations has left the community in general, and the Jewish community in particular, dumbfounded.
"It's dangerous to have the Mayor make reckless accusations that don't stand up in the light of day," Mr. Sharpton said.
One of the most Orwellian lies of the McCarthy myth is that he "named names," as the slogan goes, ruining people's lives with reckless accusations.
The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries.
Fiercely aggressive representation, including through media grandstanding, cannot be an excuse for smearing a lawyer through reckless accusations.
His reckless accusations flew free.
Rourke said, 'Maybe you should look at yourself and your own department before running around making reckless accusations.'