A tale of bad decisions, debauchery and reckless sex.
His apparitional visitations drive her to reckless sex, binge eating and desperately conjured conversations with her grandmother.
He is not certain how he contracted the illness, Galindo said, although he has previously acknowledged a defiant period of alcohol, drugs and reckless sex after the breakup with his former pairs partner, Kristi Yamaguchi.
At 42, Sophie is also well past the age of reckless sex, as she sheepishly admits, but not past falling in love.
They have a proposal to curtail such behavior: outlawing "reckless sex."
Ayres and Baker define reckless sex as penetration, without a condom, in a first-time sexual encounter.
Even before they begin their first day of college, say many experts on student life, a large number of undergraduates are messed-up, increasingly adept (often since high school) at reckless drinking and reckless sex, increasingly burdened by messy family histories, increasingly unprepared for college course work.
Katharine K. Baker, a law professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law and the co-author of a law review article on the legal consequences of reckless sex, said the majority had struck roughly the right balance.
Has the rise in the Dow Jones average since then made them overlook hard drugs as well as reckless sex?