The silhouette of the mountain range takes the shape of a reclining woman with long hair when seen from certain angles.
A sculpture of a reclining woman had a low estimate of $ 175,000 and sold for $ 190,000.
Possibly, but what matters most is the last elegiac tableau of a reclining woman and a man reaching up toward the sky.
It is carved of solid wood, with a reclining woman worked into its horizontal upper surface.
Grain or birdseed was poured over a reclining woman who soon crawled out.
The pet turns out to be a turtle crawling toward a reclining woman.
Against a red background are two figures, a naked man and a clothed reclining woman.
In both scenes, a young reclining woman is at the center.
The 34 works here are mostly older drawings, the latest a big splendid pencil sketch of a reclining woman from around 1980.
Sitting across from him is a reclining woman, representing the earth.