The Clopton family transformed the manor into its current recognisable form.
Others were simply not built at all in a form recognisable from the Ringway proposal.
He is credited with putting the speech of the ordinary people of his time into recognisable form.
As such, the works attempt to avoid a recognisable form, although the extent to which they achieve this is debatable.
Some wonder whether, in any recognisable form, by 2000 it will even be there.
Approximately four recognisable forms of this hybrid can be found in the wild.
There is no confusion with recognisable form.
The ancient monuments retain little of their bygone majesty, with only a handful in recognisable forms.
With the help of some Canadian expats, he established a more recognisable form of ice hockey at the club in 1902.
A cash payment to producers/consumers is an easily recognisable form of a subsidy.