Clearly in reality, recognition depends on the practice and, often, the interests of specific states.
Subject/verb inversion is not required in questions, and thus the recognition of declarative or interrogative may depend entirely on intonation.
Also, its recognition depends on lighting conditions that vary across the mapped areas, especially east of longitude 120 .
The widespread recognition of children's rights will depend on constant efforts in the field.
The term has spread beyond Pink Floyd fans but its recognition and usage depends largely on the individual community.
This indicates that facial recognition depends on type of attention, automatic or controlled, rather than focus on global or local features.
This means that the recognition of qualifications for professional purposes depends on criteria drawn up by the professions themselves.
Improved judicial cooperation and mutual recognition depend on the harmonisation of rights and procedures.
However, I believe that recognition of their usefulness should always depend on respect for certain fundamental principles, such as transparency and independence.
Recognition is all that is necessary - and recognition depends upon preparation.