Ryan himself is one of the few players who has an immediately recognizable name.
And if we are going to return to optimism, investors will come back to large, recognizable names.
You've got the best, most recognizable name in the world.
Each credit account you have is known as a trade line, and it might be represented by a string of numbers or a recognizable name.
It does not have a big theatrical star, nor any recognizable names from television or film.
Colleges want these coaches because frequently they bring a recognizable name and face to their programs.
We had a group of three lawyers from his firm, but he was the most recognizable name.
More than 1,000 people gathered, among them some of the most recognizable names in the business.
Even for less recognizable names, applicants must state a reason.
It also allowed Perez to become a recognizable name in the jazz community.