The rest could only be described as large and mostly recognizable pieces of human bodies.
Once or twice he kicked recognizable pieces of human skulls.
"If they were trying to search the field for something, they'd have collected every recognizable piece and sent it to a lab," an industry official said.
The piece is one of the most recognizable pieces in classical composition.
Without his willing it, his ringers slipped into "Red River Valley," the first recognizable piece of music he'd ever learned.
I attempted to grasp for a recognizable piece of the puzzle only to have it fade, recede from memory.
Discarded pieces, recognizable by the red paint on both ends, awaited retrieval.
Only a few recognizable pieces remained, and these were not enough to cobble together a patio chair, let alone a flying machine.
Roy Brewer, writer for allmusic, stated that it was one of the most recognizable pieces of American concert music.
By the time he'd finished, every recognizable piece of communications equipment in the room was half-melted junk.