It won the second annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising the year's outstanding children's book by a British subject.
Since 1936 the professional association of British librarians has annually recognised the year's best new book for children with the Carnegie Medal.
The award recognises the year's best-illustrated children's book published in the U.K.
Treadgold won the 1941 Carnegie Medal recognising the year's outstanding children's book.
The thing is - I don't recognise my agent, my publisher or my book in this.
She won the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising it as the year's best children's book by a British subject.
The award judged by a panel of British children's writers recognises the year's best book by an author who has not yet won it.
The Carnegie Medal from the Library Association then recognised the year's outstanding children's book by a British subject.
There was perhaps a note of contrition that the literary establishment had not recognized Gaddis's earlier book as a literary work of the first importance.
Nor do I recognize my husband's book in her review.