Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
He'd driven slowly past, shocked and stunned to recognize students from Brown there.
For high school students, an award night is held to recognize students who have shown outstanding academic and athletic performance.
Each year the Association recognizes various former students for their accomplishments since graduation.
The award recognizes students who have made outstanding community service contributions, both on-campus and in their local communities.
It recognizes students who exhibit strong leadership within their schools and in their communities.
The program also recognizes at-risk students and works on preventing student dropouts, rather than only trying to reverse it.
Awards are given to recognise students who have come up with innovative ideas that benefit the school.
Each year the schools have entrance examinations that help recognize talented students.
The school recognizes students of the month at prayer service.