"But I would not recommend it as a treatment."
Although the surgery was dramatically effective in lowering cholesterol, some heart disease experts said they hesitate to recommend it as a routine treatment.
But the scientists who conducted the study aren't recommending their strategy as a do-it-yourself treatment for peanut allergy.
At this time, there is not enough evidence to recommend the use of mistletoe as a treatment for cancer except in carefully designed clinical trials.
A 2008 review found insufficient evidence to recommend dietary supplements as a treatment in chronic fatigue syndrome.
He'd tried a little of everything recommended as a treatment.
William Harvey recommended trepanation as a treatment for migraines in the 17th century.
But he said it was too early to recommend estrogen as a treatment for postpartum depression until more studies were done.
A: Depending on the stage of your cancer, sometimes radiation alone will be recommended as a treatment.
In another case, the court let stand an appeals court ruling that allows doctors to recommend marijuana as a treatment.