At the urging of its Republican leadership, the House Appropriations Committee is recommending canceling an expensive infrared satellite system that the Pentagon considers vital to missile defense.
Not only did he recommend canceling the next phase of the state's scheduled income tax cut, but he also proposed almost $800 million in increased fees and taxes, including a new tax on long-distance telephone calls.
In the 80's and 90's, high-level officials from the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations all recommended canceling it.
Both seem entrenched in their positions and have only until Thursday to resuscitate the season, at which time Stern and his deputy, Russ Granik, are expected to recommend canceling the season if a new collective bargaining agreement has not been reached.
At this time, CDC does not recommend canceling or postponing classes, meetings or other gatherings that will include persons traveling to the United States from areas with SARS.
On Jan. 1 the two officials would recommend canceling existing investment management contracts, like a CS First Boston contract to manage $740 million for the city pension fund.
And police never recommended canceling the event, he said.
On December 23, Stern announced that he would recommend canceling the season if there was no deal by January 7, 1999.
"Would you recommend canceling the Luna trip?"
Not all of the union's members were convinced that Stern and Granik would recommend canceling the season before negotiating with the union.