If you have concerns about travel to a particular country at this time, we recommend consulting with the foreign country's embassy.
I would strongly recommend consulting with a dentist about adding a few implants to the equation.
Many experts recommend consulting a doctor before undertaking any new exercise regimen.
For these people, she said, she recommends consulting with her by phone.
In addition, we recommend consulting with an attorney.
Most small-business experts recommend consulting a lawyer first.
For detailed, timely financial and trade information about current conditions in Cuba, I recommend consulting www.cubatrade.org.
When a solver doesn't understand a clue or answer, I always recommend consulting a good, up-to-date dictionary.
She also recommends consulting every financial professional used over the years - accountants, brokers, bankers, insurance agents.
He recommends consulting your human resources department immediately to understand what kind of case you will need to build for firing that person.