It did not recommend dropping the procedure.
In the letter, Mr. Dole recommended dropping the education measure and voting on it separately, a reversal of his position just two weeks ago.
He concealed this failure for the rest of his life and later (circa 1910) recommended dropping the mathematics paper as a requirement.
Mr. Karp said he does not recommend dropping out of high school for today's would-be musicians.
In May 2006, the Haitian prosecutor recommended dropping the charges against Neptune, because there was no credible evidence to support them.
In closing arguments, lawyers for the defendants said Colonel Rogers should recommend dropping the charges.
I would also recommend dropping Bordeaux and Nice.
He recommended dropping Cameron to the No. 8 spot so he would have to become more selective with the pitcher hitting behind him.
But it's important to lose weight safely, which usually means slowly: Most experts recommend dropping just 1 to 2 pounds a week.
Dr. Redding recommends dropping by your children's rooms several times during a study session.