QRM theory recommends following four common steps when implementing QRM:
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends following the FDA guidelines.
Regarding diagnosis of children, some experts recommend following the DSM criteria.
Many agricultural experts recommend following a "Don't Bag It" program, originally designed in Texas, to exploit the benefits of allowing clippings to fall to the ground.
The advisory group recommended treatment as soon as possible, "preferably within hours following the exposure."
For example, he recommended following 19th century researcher Cezar Bolliac in designating industrial nuclei as mătci ("sources" or "wombs").
Tania Ballantine at Time Out named C Lidgate as one of the best butchers in London and recommended them following the 2013 meat adulteration scandal.
She recommends following the Alcoholics Anonymous creed: one day at a time.
We read your guide to clipping dogs' nails (December issue) and bought the nail cutters you recommended and did it ourselves, following your guide.
The agency recommends following the dosage instructions and warnings on the label that accompanies the medication if you have or buy a product that does not have the voluntarily modified labeling.