In 1898 he chaired the Joint Select Committee on Electrical Energy (Generating Stations and Supply), which recommended granting compulsory purchase powers for the building of power stations.
Mr. Sandman said the chairman of the commission, Alan J. Croce, would recommend granting the variance when the three-member commission meets next month.
Jolley attempted to appeal the Fifth Circuit's ruling to the Supreme Court, but not a single justice recommended granting certiorari, meaning the Court would not hear his case.
"The Attorney-General will recommend granting your application for adoption."
On Dec. 10, the hearing examiners appointed by the Water Commission recommended granting a permit, even though the commission's staff had opposed the project earlier.
If your architect will agree to these modifications, the panel will recommend granting the permit.
As a whole, then, we recommend granting discharge in respect of the European Development Fund.
I voted for discharge in respect of the European Union general budget for the financial year 2006 and the report by Mr Jørgensen, which recommends granting discharge to the Commission.
Taking account of the Commission proposal, the Council recommended granting Montenegro the status of candidate country and this issue will be examined by the European Council.
The Council recommended granting discharge to the Commission, and it acknowledged the overall improvements identified by the Court.