By voting 11 to 1 with 11 abstentions to recommend lifting his immunity, the Senate panel acknowledged on Tuesday that the case was worthy of further investigation.
Dilnot said his report recommended lifting the threshold for means-tested state support, which is available only to those with personal assets worth less than £23,250, to £100,000.
This page recommended lifting American sanctions as well, but President Bush left them in place pending further steps, most notably Libya's decision to end its unconventional weapons programs.
But there are signs that it is softening its position: earlier this month, the European Commission recommended lifting the ban on beef from Northern Ireland.
But it does recommend lifting the movement cap at Sydney Airport from 80 to 85 flights an hour.
The state drought management task force now recommends lifting the emergency.
In 2001, the provincial government initiated another review of its drilling ban, and recommended lifting the moratorium.
The government inquiry in 1971 recommended lifting the ban, by which time 145 individuals had been refused entry to the country.
For instance, the researchers did not recommend lifting weights if patients had unstable angina, uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled arrhythmia, or were suffering from heart failure.
You can understand then, why the French food safety agency recommended not lifting the ban.