The text warns against the dangers of exposure to the sun and recommends appropriate precautions.
The BMA also stated that the Department of Health recommended universal precautions: wearing of gloves for all invasive procedures.
The National Weather Service in the United States recommends several precautions that people should take if thunderstorms are likely to occur:
The Bar Association recommends far less dramatic precautions - and suggests they be routine for handling all prisoners.
He recommended precautions, and Li Baoyu agreed.
Officials said this was in part to avoid inflaming public fears and also because of the difficulty of recommending precautions for the range of possible threats.
The Government has recommended similar precautions for paramedics, firefighters and emergency medical technicians.
For anthrax, the Blue Book recommends standard precautions, like those that might be used by a medic taking blood, not safety measures used with contagious airborne diseases like tuberculosis.
He recommends simple precautions like posting a guard at the door, confronting suspicious visitors and requiring that babies be moved only in bassinets.
But health officials do recommend precautions in travel.