The movement recommended rejecting the European constitution as they considered it to be undemocratic and to introduce too much central control.
Scott D. Sullivan, WorldCom's former chief financial officer, testified that he recommended rejecting a merger proposal from Verizon in 2001 because the company would be likely to find WorldCom's accounting improprieties when it scrutinized its books.
Mr. Gonzales's memorandum, which leaked with astonishing speed, recommended rejecting an unusual request by Mr. Powell that Mr. Bush reconsider his decision.
But leaders of groups representing the investors said they would recommend rejecting the proposal as inadequate.
Salem al-Qubaissi, chairman of Parliament's Arab and international relations committee, said the committee would recommend rejecting United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 as tyrannical.
In a statement of 19 May 2010, the Swiss Federal Council recommended rejecting the motion.
A subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee recently recommended rejecting the E.P.A.'s request for an additional $150 million for the next fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
The party recommended rejecting International Monetary Fund suggestions.
In September 1995, an advisory panel to the F.D.A., concerned about evidence that it caused brain damage in animals, recommended rejecting Redux by a 5-to-3 vote.
The E.P.A. recommended rejecting all five alternatives, even though the company had promised to recreate the wetlands elsewhere, Ms. Mears said.