Experts retained by the Clinton administration recommended new rules that would require thousands of homes to hire more nurses and nurse aides.
A month later, the Planning Department recommended rules to reduce density and preserve the "street wall" formed by buildings in eastern TriBeCa.
Cosmetic surgeons have called for more spot checks and a register of all devices implanted into the body, and the commission is expected to recommend tougher rules.
Although neither of the reports recommended new rules for the online industry, they telegraph to the brokerage community a regulatory commitment to online investor protection.
The government is recommending strict new rules that would require thousands of the homes to hire more nurses and health aides.
To promote this type of delivery system, known as managed competition, Mr. Bush would have to recommend rules that would prevent opportunistic behavior by insurers.
I cannot recommend detailed rules at present.
In a letter dated Feb. 18, the board, which has power only to recommend rules, urged the operators to alter their vessels "without delay" to provide extra buoyancy.
Applying Brakes to Truckers The Transportation Department is recommending rules to prohibit radar detectors in 2.5 million big commercial trucks.
These recommended new electoral rules but left unchallenged KANU's supremacy.