The Filter is a company providing a recommendation engine for providers of digital content.
DocInsider running a vertical search and recommendation engine for doctors.
It's more of a super-sophisticated recommendation engine than a radio station, but I've found an astounding amount of great music using it.
The second gets eased because of search engines, recommendation engines, technology like that.
So the recommendation engine just fits into our overall strategy of increasing user engagement.
The recommendation engine is designed to favor recent content, keeping the recommendations constantly "fresh."
A recommendation engine will be added, he said, "to suggest events to you that otherwise you may never have heard about."
My first impressions are that it looks great, the quick access to favourites is welcome and the recommendation engine should be reasonably handy too.
This stands or falls on the strength of the recommendation engine really doesn't it.
LEO: We're really in the early days of recommendation engines.