In addition, Paterson's recommendation to close the farm would only result in the employees being reassigned.
Today's recommendations, which are expected to become a legislative package, result from a comprehensive review of American energy security ordered by the President last fall.
In 1984, however, its recommendations resulted in a decline of 13.3 percent.
The recommendations have resulted in actual changes in dredging schedules.
His recommendation of Farragut resulted in the offer of a new job.
The Committee's recommendations resulted in a new tax depreciation regime introduced in 1993.
He also asks for an assurance that costs will be monitored, so that the recommendations do not result in the taxpayer paying more.
He headed a special trustee committee whose recommendations resulted in the first revision of the university's charter since 1810.
This year, the most significant recommendation could result in more fighting.
His recommendations resulted in a massive expansion of the coverage and analysis of free software licenses.