Perhaps the search for a formula to reconcile democracy and Islam is too ambitious.
Sikhs, a monotheistic religious group founded in the 15th century to reconcile Hinduism and Islam, form a majority in Punjab state.
Momeni respected the work of reformist philosophers who sought to reconcile Islam with liberalism.
Sheikh al-Alawi attempted to reconcile Islam and modernity.
Whether in Britain or America, those who claim to speak for Muslims have a responsibility to the majority, which wants to reconcile Islam with pluralism.
Early salafi reformers believed they could reconcile Islam with modern Western political ideas.
Muhammad may not have been as sober and sensible as Ramadan writes, but why take issue with this portrayal if it can help reconcile Islam with Western liberalism today?
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded in the 15th century in an attempt to reconcile Islam and Hinduism.
Some of the Tunisian elite, now with greater contact with Europe, began trying to reconcile Islam with modern European ideas.
As compared with later efforts by Muslim intellectuals, such as the attempt to reconcile Islam and socialism, this was an extremely difficult endeavor.