Reports from the reconciliation commission in each country will then be analyzed.
In the campaign to force the Government to appoint a reconciliation commission, some groups have cited the case as an example of political persecution.
For the next two months, the reconciliation commission will play a key role in evaluating the steps Nicaragua takes to live up to today's announcements.
Significantly, there have been no trials, no truth and reconciliation commissions.
The Reconciliation Commission established by the government does not meet basic requirements for independence.
The reconciliation commission finalized language today for its founding charter and developed a list of initial activities.
Earlier in 1997, she appeared before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Last week, members of the reconciliation commission issued a statement recognizing that the Government has taken steps to comply with the new peace accord.
That's when Kenya's own justice and reconciliation commission, chaired by you, would help to re-integrate all those people.
But even the country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was unable to find out what had happened to him.