The occupation officials said restoring electricity was the top priority because so many other reconstruction tasks depended on reliable power.
That marks a welcome change from a Pentagon leadership that disparaged long-term security and reconstruction tasks as something others could do after American forces moved on.
The reconstruction task was finally completed on 4 December 1951.
In 1906, Miller partnered with George T. De Colmesnil to better tackle the many reconstruction tasks at hand.
Must they try to confront huge reconstruction tasks alone, when it was expected that thousands of Project members would help them?
The 130th Engineers had a variety of reconstruction tasks during their second tour in Iraq.
The reconstruction task took over thirty years to accomplish.
We are sending a reconstruction task force down there next week to help with some financial planning. . . . . .
"We now face a reconstruction task of post-war proportions."
Although the reconstruction task will take several years, the financing of this reconstruction effort should be provided this year and next year.