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He became the author of more than a dozen books having to do with his philosophy of reconstructionism.
He decided that of the four philosophies, reconstructionism was the philosophy responding best to the time period.
In his book, Education as Power he clearly outlines the two major roles of reconstructionism.
Full adherents to reconstructionism are few and marginalized among conservative Christians.
In response to the existing crisis of the time period, he believed reconstructionism in schools was the solution to the problem.
Reconstructionism seemed like a good idea to Brameld, but this philosophy of education did not go without its criticisms.
With this philosophy of reconstructionism, his main focus was to create a school system with democracy where controversial topics play a huge role.
The only theological system commonly cited by Christian libertarians is theonomic reconstructionism.
Dr. Bernstein was an early supporter of reconstructionism.
Brameld's philosophy of education was called reconstructionism.
Reconstructionism (disambiguation), a term describing various religious movements.
Consequently, a strain of Reconstructionism exists which is distinctly non-Kaplanian.
Mais was interested in the creole, the political reconstructionism of the 1930s, and the sociocultural problems of the "yards."
Polytheistic reconstructionism is a tendency within Neopaganism, apparent since the 1990s, to aim for greater historical accuracy or authenticity.
Libertarian Christianity is compatible with a few of the basic tenets of theonomic reconstructionism.
(Reconstructionism teaches that Christians should "recapture" all social institutions for the kingdom of God.)
Theodore Brameld (20 January 1904 - 1987) was a leading philosopher and educator who supported the educational philosophy of social reconstructionism.
It is primarily a neologism used in polytheistic reconstructionism, to differentiate it from ancient sources of spiritual practices.
Counts' address to the PEA and the subsequent publication put him in the forefront of the social reconstructionism movement in education.
Reconstructionism (disambiguation)
Not that the two movements - the main non-Orthodox currents of American Judaism, along with Reconstructionism - are feuding.
The name Reconstructionism comes from, wherever possible, not wanting to toss out traditional ways of doing things, but to reconstruct them, to breathe new meaning into them.
Ásatrú, meaning "faith in the Æsir", is a new religious movement of polytheistic reconstructionism based on Norse paganism.
Kurtz also complained about a perceived link between average Christian evangelicals and extremism such as Christian Reconstructionism.
Polytheistic reconstructionism is not a religion itself, but is the methodology for re-establishing a historical polytheism (or pre-Christian) religion in the modern world.