Many know that the legendary producer recorded blues and R&B performers, but less familiar are the country singers that he began recording in 1953.
James recorded blues and spirituals and cover versions of other songs.
He decided to make a trip, hoping to record blues, gospel and "hillbilly" music.
In February and March, he made a trip which recorded blues and gospel music, and decided to make another trip.
In 1924 he supervised the first commercial recording session in New Orleans, Louisiana, recording jazz, blues, and gospel music groups there.
Ray Charles, who recorded gospel and jazz-influenced blues, created what would become known as soul music.
The label recorded regional rhythm and blues, rockabilly, blues and country music artists.
Throughout his career, Elvis Presley recorded occasional blues songs or tunes that were at least reminiscent of the blues.
Mr. Ramsey also went into the field to record black music, folk and church music, country music and blues.
Goldner and Levy formed Rama Records, which recorded rhythm and blues.