For example, the system configuration is not a place to record historical changes, or descriptions of design and intent for the various elements.
As whatever it records changes out there, so does the record.
ART uses long-standing data series to record changes, and develop models to answer current questions.
It also records changes to ownership including sales and mortgages of registered land.
It results when the image being recorded changes during the recording of a single frame, either due to rapid movement or long exposure.
Sometimes application-level code is used to record changes rather than leaving this to the database.
Because the subsidiary is unregulated, it may not have to record changes in the asset's value, known as marking to market.
There are two vedeks on DS9 who regularly record new changes in the program for their own use.
Perhaps best of all, iElectribe allows the user to record changes to pitch and effects in real time, so you can play back the performance later.
The other eight regions recorded significantly smaller changes - some good, some bad.