In addition the Moth was used for many record flights.
Most of these record flights occurred in 1937 and 1938, while she was still teaching at the air academy.
Once he had received the title, he made many important flights, setting a record eight-hour flight.
Rice says patience is absolutely necessary for such record flights.
The 93rd made a number of record flights with the B-52, including the first non-stop jet flight around the world during January 1957.
"He died a long time ago after he made that record flight."
He took on the challenge of organizing air meets, holding shows, noting record flights, and promoting aviation investment.
The record flight of 29 August 2006, which extended 17,000 feet into the stratosphere, accomplished this goal.
Photos and details of the record flight can be seen in a small museum on the upper level of the baggage claim area.
At the completion of the record flights, both S.6Bs were retired.