In a new study, 470 Canadian undergraduate psychology students recorded their dreams for a week.
Five years later she decided to really dedicate herself to recording her dreams through art.
"B-P," as he was known throughout the Scout movement, studiously recorded his dreams, which were often about young men.
If you get in the habit of recording your dreams, you will be amazed by how much more you are likely to remember them.
They required the participants to record their dreams in a log and record how long the dreams lasted.
"It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them."
Patients were often asked to keep dream journals and to record their dreams to bring in for discussion during the next therapy session.
She was told that this machine used crystal technology to record her dreams.
For the last year, Lee has been recording and collecting their dreams, all of which are spliced into three dream collages.
Since that injury, she has been learning about cameras, using them to record other students' dreams while cheering them on.