Now in its 90th year, the annual Christmas bird count began last Saturday as the first of 42,000 volunteers went out to record sightings.
They rush to the Central Park boathouse, their unofficial clubhouse, to record impressive sightings in a handwritten notebook, like a report on an owl's visit to a Korean grocer on West 79th Street.
The PTES and BHPS are hoping to get members of the public to record sightings of hedgehogs as they start to emerge in spring after hibernation.
We need your help this summer to record sightings of European pear rust.
The BBRC covers around 280 species whose annually recorded sightings in Britain fall below a threshold deemed to signify rarity.
Lewis and Clark recorded numerous sightings of Ovis canadensis in the journals of their exploration-sometimes using the name argalia.
Several space missions have been dedicated to record sightings of the light in hopes of solidifying what Riccioli and others have claimed.
Étienne de Flacourt, a French governor of Madagascar in the 1640s and 1650s, recorded frequent sightings of elephant birds.
All of the air surveillance units had recorded similar sightings during the past several hours.
The endangered Malleefowl is also known to inhabit the park with seven known and recorded sightings having been made 1998.