Interestingly enough, in the wake of our record-setting years, the men's basketball coaching position at Texas opened.
In 2005, memories from the 1992 season returned as the team had a record-setting year.
The industry was coming off a record-setting year, when the average occupancy was about 84 percent.
For the year to date, sales contracts are up 8 percent compared with 2003, which was itself a record-setting year.
It was Nelson's sixteenth victory of 18 during his record-setting year.
There were 14 percent more home sales in 2004 than in 2003, which was itself a record-setting year, he said.
"Otherwise, 2000 could have been a record-setting year" in terms of volume.
Maris himself hit just one April home run in his record-setting year.
MassMutual's financial success continued in 2000, which proved to be another record-setting year for the company.
These latest deals are closing out a record-setting year for mergers.