She proceeded to remove them to the glorious recorded sounds of a Beethoven sonata.
The London release is an excellent one, with a rich recorded sound and a good cast of singers.
Yet, despite an old recorded sound, the performance is not without its fire and drama.
Traditional speakers use drivers to help translate electrical signals into physical vibrations so that you can hear recorded sounds.
The Clié comes with a few intriguing extras, including a speaker that can play recorded sounds, not just beeps.
Edison Records was one of the earliest record labels which pioneered recorded sound and was an important player in the early recording industry.
Often, both the live and recorded sounds would be modified by electronic devices and computer programs that were designed to his specifications.
"Despite the poor recorded sound, this comes close to dramatic perfection."
With a tape, it is difficult to play back a single recorded sound or phrase to make an instant comparison.
It began with a mysterious recorded sound that sometimes recalled the rolling of stones and at other times the cracking of ice.