Other basic information needs to be recorded, such as the output category and the main cooling system.
Many great blues artists recorded there, such as W. C. Handy, Father of the Blues.
Other calendar cycles were also recorded, such as a lunar calendar, as well as the cycles of other astronomical objects, most importantly Venus.
Earlier attempts have been recorded such as the 18th century Elbasan Gospel Manuscript.
Finally, much extra information is being recorded, such as provenance, cultural associations and so on, which will allow the database to be used as a powerful research tool.
This is used when transactions are recorded on paper (such as bills and invoices) or when it's being stored on a magnetic tape.
Tracks dating back to Deadsy's 1996 effort were included, and entirely new songs were recorded, such as the lead single, "The Key to Gramercy Park."
With the editing menu a range of genealogical data can be recorded, such as names, dates, places, sources, witnesses, aliases and notes.
Other asterisms are recorded, such as Volovi (oxen) and Trougao (triangle), but it is unclear what stars they refer to.
Cases using suicide bags and gases other than noble gases are recorded, such as a propane-butane mixture, and methane (natural gas).