Logic, and this recording, suggest he died on New Malta.
Many critics agree that recordings of the Nilsson voice do not suggest how glorious it was when heard live.
They find all the crew long dead at their posts, while a recording by their captain suggests the ship was caught in a Menthar trap.
As recent recordings have suggested and this appearance confirmed, he is also a versatile exponent of lieder.
"Surrender now," Bascal's recording suggested, breaking off from his song for a moment.
Though the works in the portrait were written only a few years later, they had a wackiness quotient that the recording barely suggested.
But some recordings (with help from the listener's imagination) suggest the work's dazzling scope.
Her recording of this work on Catalyst suggested only inadequately the glorious ruckus she could create and the range of subtlety within it.
At the initial call, the recording suggests that an instruction sheet and a list of available publications and documents be ordered by pressing the star key.
Also, the provocative song titles and suspenseful recordings "suggest an evocative film-noir atmosphere".