Under anesthesia, electrodes were placed in his brain and hundreds of recordings taken.
Oral history tapes - recordings taken over the past 30 years.
Historic recordings, sometimes taken from 78-rpm originals, were featured.
Remaining gaps were filled by recordings taken from available bootlegs.
A live recording taken from the 2008 documentary Shine a Light is featured on the album of the same name.
In addition, an audio recording taken from the television episodes is available on cassette and compact disc.
The album includes three new studio songs along with the live recordings, taken during 2008 and 2009.
In the client's house control room, Bork reviewed the recordings taken by the security cameras.
Our own recordings taken after the crew's demise also lack positive indicators of Klingon action.
However, since the pianist's death, several labels have issued live recordings taken from radio broadcasts.