The book recounted his experiences as a prisoner from 1957-1964, including 15 months of interrogation that led to a 700-page confession.
I am not recounting events from a history book, but telling you what I saw with my own eyes.
He recounts a story from their boyhood, when Larry was 14.
The television host and comic recounts an anecdote from his childhood.
He spent the rest of his life recounting tales from the war.
Should you be able to recount from memory the number and location of all the freckles on your lover's bottom?
"I am a totally different person now," she said, smiling comfortably despite recounting her life from age 4 to 11.
He also recounts an incident from the beginning of his career, when he was performing in London.
Here she recounts the war years, 1940 through 1945, from the perspective of the American Presidency.
"Maybe," he said, after recounting the number of calls from the neighborhood expressing good will, "we are too paranoid."